Three Ships (part 1)

'Three Ships' is the second book I have been asked to create illustrations for.
The series of books tell the story of Grandad Chris and Nana Fi as they circumnavigate the world in their yacht - 'Three Ships'.
Chris and Fi have a great sense of adventure and have seen an enormous amount of the world during their 14 year voyage. They became grandparents whilst globe trotting and it is this which inspired Fi to write poems for her new family members. Not only to explain what Nana and Grandad were doing, but also to inspire them to travel and see the world.
Fi was keen to include as many nautical details as possible into the story and drawings. Alongside capturing the sort of environments and wildlife they encountered along the way. Luckily, I could convey these from my sailing experiences into the final pieces for her!
I used a combination of watercolour textures, hand drawing and digital finishing to create the bright and engaging illustrations Fi and I wanted. We have been working on the book for about 18 months, and are finally ready to start talking to publishers.
... So watch this space :)